The Complete Path Year 3 2019

RVR-London-2011-21Group photo TCP 2019

We are very happy to announce that His Holiness Ratna Vajra Rinpoche taught Year 3 of The Complete Path at IBA from August 15 to September 4. The topics were the Preliminary Practices (Ngondro) and Hevajra Cause empowerment.


To qualify, you must have either

  • completed TCP Years 1 and 2, OR
  • completed TCP Year 1 and received Lamdre.

Both Years 1 and 2 can be studied online. If you would like details about this, please email us at the address given above.

Please note that there will be no online course offered for Year 3 as students must receive the Hevajra cause empowerment to receive the teachings. The empowerment can only be taken in person from the teacher, not via the internet.

Students who have already received Lamdre, including the Hevajra cause empowerment and Ngondro teaching, are granted an exemption from Year 3, but His Holiness has said he will ask such students to complete certain commitments if they wish to continue with The Complete Path program. His Holiness will announce these commitments during the teaching at IBA in August.

Proposed daily program for The Complete Path teachings  完整法道教学的暂定日程

IBA, August 14 to September 4, 2019     815日至94

Time  时间 Place  地点 Activity  活动
6.15am Shrine hall


Morning prayers, in Tibetan

清晨祈祷, 藏语

7-7.30am Dining hall


Breakfast  (IBA residents)

早斋  (IBA居民)

8-9am Shrine hall




9.30-11.30am Shrine hall




12 noon Dining hall and basketball court




2pm Shrine hall


Review teaching


3.30pm Dining hall and basketball court


Afternoon tea


4.30-5.30pm Third floor above the dining room


Yoga, Qigong


6.30pm Dining hall


Dinner   (IBA residents)

药石  (IBA居民)

7.30pm Own room


Private study or meditation


10pm Own room


Lights out


Each Sunday will be a rest day   周日休息


Pre-Reading for the Yr 3 Teaching

Lama Choedak Rinpoche’s translation of Clear Lamp on the Path to Liberation provides details of the Skaya Ngondro practice. It can be purchased via The book is 685 pages, hard bound and costs US$45, plus postage.

Here is the foreword to the book, written by HH Ratna Vajra Rinpoche.

Cover of Clear lampHH42 L. Choedak Lamp frwd 18.3.19


YEAR 2, 2018

In 2018, The Complete Path will be offered at IBA from 7th to 29th September.

The topic to be taught is The Beautiful Ornament of the Three Visions by Ngorchen Khönchog Lhundrup.

RVR-London-2011-21This text is taught in preparation for the Vajrayana path, being the meditation manual for the path according to the Lamdré cycle of teachings. It covers all practices from going for refuge and bodhicitta up to the cultivation of calm abiding and special insight, culminating in a description of the qualities of enlightenment manifesting with the perfection of these practices.

For information about registration and fees, please email us at

If you attended TCP at IBA in 2017 and cannot attend during the above dates, please look at information concerning our partner centres in Europe, USA and Asia, as some of them will offer the teaching during the northern summer. This information will be posted as it becomes available at

You can also contact the centres directly.

Accommodation – there is a limited number of basic rooms available at IBA, single or double, with shared bathrooms. If you would like a room at IBA you need to register as soon as you can

Translations – during the 2017 teaching we offered simultaneous translations in Chinese, Nepali and Spanish. IBA will continue to organise Chinese and Nepali translations while groups needing other languages need to organise and cover the costs of their own translator.

Proposed daily schedule for TCP 2018

Time Place Activity
6.15am Shrine room Morning prayers, in Tibetan
7-7.30am Dining hall Breakfast  (IBA residents)
8-9am Third floor above the dining room




9.30-11.30am Shrine hall Teaching
12 noon Dining hall and basketball court Lunch
2pm Shrine hall Review teaching
3.30pm Dining hall and basketball court Afternoon tea
4-5pm Shrine hall Shamata meditation
6.30pm Dining hall Dinner   (IBA residents)
7.30pm Own room Private study or meditation
10pm Own room Lights out

Lamdre and Year 2: 

HH Ratna Vajra Rinpoche has given permission for those who have attended a full Lamdre teaching to not attend the TCP Year 2 teaching, as the Three Visions text is addressed during Lamdre. However, during the TCP Year 2 teaching, this text will be covered in much greater detail, so to improve your understanding you will benefit from attending the teaching in 2018 even if you have previously attended Lamdre.