Our repair progress

May 2017

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Window crowns and memorial stupa are being repainted as a final touch to complete our earthquake repair work


April 2017

Office and library block – facade is completed

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The libraries – newly appointed Librarian, Ven Wangdue Sangpo, has started the huge task of restocking our two libraries with the large number of books which have been in storage since the earthquakes.

The Khenpo Migmar Tibetan Library

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The Manjusri Library – Tibetan and other languages

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March 2017

Office and library block – office facade upgrade continues

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Paving – paving around the courtyard and behind the dormitories is being completed







February 2017

Office and library block – a stepped facade had been built below the first floor library and carvings will be added around the windows and columns; the upper walkways are being enclosed with windows, the library and office floors have been laid and supporting columns below the new stepped structure are being strengthened.

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Painting the whole of IBA – it’s been fascinating to watch these painters nimbly climb flimsy bamboo scaffolding to paint the exterior walls






Basketball court – our basketball hoops being reinstated



January 2017





Office and library block   Retrofitting of all floors is nearing completion










Courtyard   Marble is being laid where the verandas were damaged by the earthquakes






December 2016

Entrance way  Here are the new inscriptions under the inner archway

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Dormitory block The basement and bathroom plumbing have been completed

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Office block  The ground floor walls are being bricked up, while the first floor library walls are being demolished to allow retrofitting of the columns


November 2016

Entrance way  The entrance way has been painted and new inscriptions are being added under the inner archway


Office block  Retrofitting and shearwalling of the main admin offices are coming along steadily


Dormitory block  The bathrooms have been tiled, but the plumbing is yet to be done. The floor of the new manager’s office has also been tiled

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September 2016

Office block  Columns in the manger’s office are being retrofitted and strengthened, with much of the work being done by hand

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Dormitory block  The external work now needs to be painted, while inside some rooms are looking good, but the bathrooms still need a lot of finishing

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                            A new manager’s office on the ground floor of the east dormitory is also shaping up



August 2016

Office block  Work has started on the office/library block with walls being demolished to expose the columns

walls removed from manager's office

Dormitory block  Major construction on all floors is nearing completion. There is still the plastering, painting and bathrooms to be done


July 2016

Dormitory block The basement is near completion while work continues on the floors above

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June 2016


IMG_2828Dormitory block  – work has progressed to the second floors of both dormitory buildings












May 2016

Entrance way lotus petals as well as the central sdom btson dam pa and chu srin are being constructed. See the separate page in this section for an explanation of these.


April 2016

Dormitory block – retrofitting of columns is almost complete in the basement and is under way on the ground floor. Shearwalling (strengthening the walls with concrete) in the basement is also nearing completion

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March 2016



Dormitory block –  columns continue to be exposed









Entrance way – the main structure is complete, now elaborating has begun




February 2016

During his brief visit early this month, His Holiness Sakya Trizin inspected our repair progress

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Shrine room – happily we are now able to use the shrine room as per normal for prayers and ceremonies


Dormitory block – walls are being knocked out of rooms on the first floor of the foreign students’ dormitory to expose the columns for retrofitting

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Formwork has been put up around the bolstered columns for further strengthening as shear walling, while excavation to expose more columns continues.




Shear walling  has begun with concrete being poured into the formwork.




January 2016

Dormitory block – metal work (re-bar) for the foundational concrete slab is being laid

Excavations to expose the in the basement columns have proceeded and retrofitting has begun with steel supports and ties put in place







Entrance way – is continuing to take shape


December 2015



Dormitory block – The main repair work has started – retrofitting the dormitory and office/library blocks. This means the walls and floors have to be cut away from the supporting columns, which are then rebuilt in a much stronger, earthquake-resistant fashion. Beginning in the basement, the work will gradually move up to the fourth floor. It could take more than a year till completion – we have to wait and see!




Entrance way – Work has restarted on the entrance way. The design for our new entrance was created by one of our more artistic monks.







Shrine room entrance – The passageway outside our shrine room, at the top of the stairs, lost its ceiling during the earthquakes. This has now been repaired.




November 2015



Main shrine room – We have repaired the ceiling and floor of our main shrine room. The April 2015 earthquakes had caused the original ceiling to collapse, damaging the floor. Both have now been restored.






Perimeter wall – Our perimeter brick wall was left leaning dangerously out over the surrounding street, so it was vital to repair it quickly. This has been achieved.






Entrance way – Our entrance archway collapsed and the gates were damaged. Reconstruction has begun on these, but has been halted due to problems caused by the current disruption to the flow of materials from India into Nepal.