Registration for the webcast of this event is now open to Gompa member-supporters at Registration and viewing will be available until November 16th, 2020. At the time you register there will also be the opportunity to make a voluntary offering in support of the International Buddhist Academy, in Kathmandu.
Gompa member-supporters can also forward questions related to this teaching and questions selected by Khenpo Kunsang Choephel will be answered in the next teaching session. Gompa member supporters are invited to submit their questions related to this teaching by end of the day on October 21st.
The Webcast:
In this teaching, Khenpo-la will give a step-by-step introduction and explanation to the ‘Seven-Limb Prayer’. The ‘Seven-Limb Prayer’ is a preliminary practice traditionally undertaken before listening to or studying the Dharma and prior to any meditation practice in order to place the mind in an appropriate state and to accumulate merit and purify negativities. The seven limbs are: prostrations; making offerings; purifying non-virtuous habits; rejoicing in the wholesome actions of others and oneself; requesting the Buddhas to teach; appealing to the Buddhas not to enter into Parinirvana; and dedicating merit.
The Venerable Khenpo Kunsang Choephel, a senior teacher at the International Buddhist Academy, is becoming widely appreciated for the clarity and approachability of his introductory teachings on key topics.
The teaching will be recorded live and will be available to view by the end of the day Nepal time on October 17th. The webcast will then remain available for you to view at any time of your choosing until November 16th, 2020.
To register, please go to and sign in to your Gompa member-supporter account and select Special Events / See details of all events and webcasts; then select the event (from the list in date order, or by selecting International Buddhist Academy from the monastery / nunnery list). If you are not currently a Gompa member-supporter we invite you to join Gompa at:
Monks and nuns at the partner monasteries and nunneries are cordially invited to view the webcast using the free member login of your partner monastery or nunnery.