SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. We are pleased to offer the opportunity for Gompa member-supporters to send offerings and dedications to Sakya Centre, Dehradun, India in support of the ‘Mahavairocana Jangchok Puja’ with H.H. the 42nd Sakya Trizin Ratna Vajra Rinpoche presiding to be performed on September 24th, 2020. This ritual is dedicated to the well-being of all sentient beings, and, in particular, dedicated to those who have passed away. You are cordially invited to participate
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and nationwide lockdown, there is no webcast for this event – however, Gompa member-supporters can register for the event and send offerings, together with dedications, by the early morning of September 24th, 2020, India time. The event:
The Mahavairocana Jangchok Puja bestows great benefits to both the participants and the deceased. In particular, this puja conveys a powerful blessing to our deceased loved ones and is a way for us to show our continued care and our wish for our loved ones to meet with auspicious circumstances and to be released from suffering. During the purification puja the names of the deceased loved ones are collected and then burnt. If you wish the names of your deceased loved ones to be included in the puja, please write each name, followed by a semicolon, into the ‘Your dedication’ section of the webcast registration page.
(These prayers are being performed strictly in accordance with the social distancing regulations and safety precautions as set down by government and the health ministry.)
To participate in this event, please go to www.gompaservices.com and sign in to your Gompa member-supporter account and select Special Events / See details of all events and webcasts; then select the event (from the list in date order, or by selecting Sakya Centre from the monastery / nunnery list).
If you are not yet a Gompa member-supporter, we invite you to join Gompa and to enjoy the many benefits of being a member-supporter. For details, please go to www.gompaservices.com/join.
特別公告:我們很榮幸地宣佈,於2020年9月24日,在印度德拉敦的薩迦中心舉辦,由尊勝的第42任薩迦法王大寶金剛仁波切主持的的“大日如來超渡法會” (為往生者淨障的儀式),專屬法會網贊助會員寄送供養及迴向的機會。該法會致力於所有人的福祉,尤其是去世者。誠摯地邀請您參與。
由於新冠肺炎大流行和全國范圍的封鎖,因此無法提供本活動的線上直播服務 — 然而法會網的贊助會員仍可註冊,並於印度時間2020年9月24日清晨前,將供養及迴向寄送至薩迦中心以支持本活動。
大日如來超渡法會對於與會者和往生者都有極大的益處。 特別是該法會對我們已故的親人傳達一個強而有力的加持,而且對我們而言是一個能讓我們持續對已故的親人表達關心,還有祈望我們的親人能適逢吉祥的情況,並從痛苦中解脫。在超渡法會期間,將會收集已故親人的名字然後將其焚燒。 如果您希望法會含括您已故親人的姓名,請在線上直播註冊頁面的“Your dedication(您的贊助)”部分中寫下已故親人姓名,每個姓名後請跟一個分號。
欲參與此活動請至法會網—西藏寺院服務 www.gompaservices.com ,登入您法會網的贊助會員帳戶並點選 Special Events/ See details of all events and webcasts(特別活動/查看全部活動與線上直播詳情),然後從日期排序或寺院/尼寺院列表中點選Sakya Centre(薩迦中心)。如果您還未成為法會網的贊助會員,我們敬邀您成為贊助會員,詳情請至法會網—西藏寺院服務 www.gompaservices.com/join 。