Khenpo Kunsang webcast on ‘Green Tara’ – October 10

Special Webcast Announcement with Q&A Session: We are pleased to announce the webcast of a teaching by the International Buddhist Academy’s Venerable Khenpo Kunsang Choephel on ‘Green Tara Meditation’ at Kathmandu, Nepal on October 10th, 2020. The teaching will be given in English.Kunsang

Registration for the webcast of this event is now open to Gompa member-supporters at Registration and viewing will be available until November 9th, 2020. At the time you register there will also be the opportunity to make a voluntary offering in support of the International Buddhist Academy, in Kathmandu.

Gompa member-supporters can also forward questions related to this teaching and questions selected by Khenpo Kunsang Choephel will be answered in the next teaching session. Gompa member supporters are invited to submit their questions related to this teaching by end of the day on October 14th.

The Webcast:

In this teaching Khenpo-la will introduce, step-by-step, the practice of meditation on Green Tara and an overview of the benefits of the practice. Practices associated with Tara are very dearly held among all the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. Tara is a female meditational deity who is regarded as the embodiment of the enlightened activity of all the buddhas. Tara literally means ‘saviouress’ or ‘she who liberates’ and she is known as ‘she who ferries beings across the ocean of samsara.’ Peaceful and wrathful, beautiful and powerful, Tara is regarded as a sublime embodiment of ultimate wisdom and compassion.

The Venerable Khenpo Kunsang Choephel, a senior teacher at the International Buddhist Academy, is becoming widely appreciated for the clarity and approachability of his introductory teachings on key topics.

The teaching will be recorded live and will be available to view by the end of the day Nepal time on October 10th. The webcast will then remain available for you to view at any time of your choosing until November 9th, 2020.

To register, please go to and sign in to your Gompa member-supporter account and select Special Events / See details of all events and webcasts; then select the event (from the list in date order, or by selecting International Buddhist Academy from the monastery / nunnery list). If you are not currently a Gompa member-supporter we invite you to join Gompa at:

Monks and nuns at the partner monasteries and nunneries are cordially invited to view the webcast using the free member login of your partner monastery or nunnery.

線上直播特別公告及其相關問答:我們很榮幸地宣佈,於2020年10月10日在加德滿都尼泊爾國際佛學院,由尊貴的昆桑卻佩堪布以英語教授 “綠度母禪修”,其線上直播現已在法會網—西藏寺院服務 對法會網贊助會員開放註冊。註冊以及觀看線上直播將於2020年11月9日截止。在註冊時您也將有機會選擇贊助位於加德滿都的尼泊爾國際佛學院。

法會網的贊助會員也可以轉發與此教學相關的問題,由昆桑卻佩堪布選中的問題將在下期的教學結束時回答。法會網贊助會員請在10月14日前透過電郵提交與此教學相關的問題,電郵地址:liaison[at]填寫時請以@代替[at]),並將郵件標題定為“作禮拜與上師相應法問答” 。

尊貴的昆桑卻佩堪布在這堂課將會逐步教授綠度母禪修,並概述此種修行的好處。在藏傳佛教的所有傳承中都非常珍視與度母有關的修行。度母是女性護法神,並且被認為是一切佛開悟行動的女性本尊,度母的字面意思是“救星” 或“解脱者”,被認知為“渡眾生越過輪迴之海的她”。寂靜又憤怒,美麗且強大,度母被視為究竟智慧與慈悲的崇高化現。


每日教學的線上直播將於現場錄製並於10月10日稍晚上傳(尼泊爾時間)。 影音檔將會留在線上直到2020年11月9日,您可以選擇在那之前的任何時間上網收看。

註冊請至法會網—西藏寺院服務 ,登入您的法會網贊助會員帳戶並點選 Special Events/ See details of all events and webcasts(特別活動/查看全部活動與線上直播詳情),然後從日期排序或寺院/尼寺院列表中點選 International Buddhist Academy(尼泊爾國際佛學院)。如果您還未成為法會網的贊助會員,我們誠摯地邀請您加入,詳情請至法會網—西藏寺院服務
