
我們很榮幸地宣佈,於2022年3月1日,在尼泊爾加德滿都的尼泊爾國際佛學院舉行的舉行的“藏曆新年除障法會”與“四面瑪哈嘎拉、紅棒大黑天與吉祥天母獻供法會”,專屬法會網贊助會員的供養機會。誠摯邀請您參與。您可在2022年3月1日前,將供養及迴向寄送至尼泊爾國際佛學院以支持此活動。 本活動: “藏曆新年除障法會”傳統在藏曆最後一個月終舉行。 “藏曆新年除障法會”的目的是清除過去一年的所有疾病、痛苦、厄運和障礙,並祈求來年吉祥的展新開始。 欲參與此活動請至法會網—西藏寺院服務 www.gompaservices.com ,登入您的法會網贊助會員帳戶並點選 Special Events/ See details of all events and webcasts(特別活動/查看全部活動與線上直播詳情),然後從日期排序或寺院/尼寺院列表中點選 International Buddhist Academy(尼泊爾國際佛學院)。如果您還未成為法會網的贊助會員,我們誠摯地邀請您加入並享受贊助會員的多重優惠,詳情請至法會網—西藏寺院服務 www.gompaservices.com/join 。

Grand Gutor Puja on 1 March 2022

SPECIAL TIBETAN NEW YEAR (LOSAR) EVENT. We are pleased to offer the opportunity for Gompa member-supporters to send offerings and dedications to the International Buddhist Academy, Kathmandu, Nepal, in support of the ‘Grand Gutor Puja’ with ‘Propitiation of Four-Faced Mahakala, Gur-gyi Gonpo (Mahakala Panjaranatha) and Palden Lhamo’ to be performed on March 1st, 2022. You[…]

Offerings for Khenchen Appey Rinpoche’s parinirvana puja

Special announcement from Tibetan Monastery Services: To commemorate the 11th anniversary of Khenchen Appey Rinpoche’s parinirvana, Tibetan Monastery Services is pleased to offer the opportunity for Gompa member-supporters to send offerings and dedications to the International Buddhist Academy, Kathmandu, Nepal, in support of the ‘Guru Puja with Ceremonial Feast Offering’ (Sapan Lam-Choe) and ‘Recitation of[…]