Offerings for Khenchen Appey Rinpoche’s parinirvana puja

Special announcement from Tibetan Monastery Services: To commKhenchen Appey Rinpoche photoemorate the 11th anniversary of Khenchen Appey Rinpoche’s parinirvana, Tibetan Monastery Services is pleased to offer the opportunity for Gompa member-supporters to send offerings and dedications to the International Buddhist Academy, Kathmandu, Nepal, in support of the ‘Guru Puja with Ceremonial Feast Offering’ (Sapan Lam-Choe) and ‘Recitation of Aspiration Prayers’, presided over by H.E. the 27th Chogye Trichen Rinpoche, to be performed on January 24th, 2022. You are cordially invited to participate. Offerings, together with dedications, can be sent at any time up until January 24th, 2022.
The Event: The International Buddhist Academy is organizing a grand puja on the 11th anniversary of Khenchen Appey Rinpoche’s parinirvana. This auspicious day is also known as the ‘Threefold Memory Day’ as it coincides with the anniversary of Drogon Choegyal Phakpa and Deshung Ajam Rinpoche. H.E. 27th Chogye Trichen Rinpoche will preside over this event, together with Deshung Tulku Rinpoche and Tharig Tulku Rinpoche who will also be present. To participate in this event, please go to and sign in to your Gompa member-supporter account and select Special Events / See details of all events and webcasts; then select the event (from the list in date order, or by selecting International Buddhist Academy from the monastery / nunnery list). If you are not yet a Gompa member-supporter, we invite you to join Gompa and to enjoy the many benefits of being a member-supporter. For details, please go to
特別公告:為紀念堪千阿貝仁波切涅槃十一週年,我們很榮幸地宣佈,於2022年1月24日,在尼泊爾加德滿都的尼泊爾國際佛學院舉行,由尊貴的二十七世究給崔津仁波切主持的“上師薈供暨超渡法會”和“祈願文念誦法會” ,專屬法會網贊助會員的供養機會,誠摯邀請您參與。您可在2022年1月24日前,將供養及迴向寄送至尼泊爾國際佛學院以支持此活動。
欲參與此活動請至法會網—西藏寺院服務 ,登入您的法會網贊助會員帳戶並點選 Special Events/ See details of all events and webcasts(特別活動/查看全部活動與線上直播詳情),然後從日期排序或寺院/尼寺院列表中點選 International Buddhist Academy(尼泊爾國際佛學院)。如果您還未成為法會網的贊助會員,我們誠摯地邀請您加入並享受贊助會員的多重優惠,詳情請至法會網—西藏寺院服務