Khenpo Kunsang webcast available until 16 November 2020

Special Webcast Announcement with Q&A Session: We are pleased to announce the webcast of a teaching by the International Buddhist Academy’s Venerable Khenpo Kunsang Choephel on the ‘Seven-Limb Prayer’ at Kathmandu, Nepal on Saturday, October 17th, 2020. The teaching will be given in English. Registration for the webcast of this event is now open to[…]


線上直播特別公告及其相關問答:我們很榮幸地宣佈,於2020年10月17日在加德滿都尼泊爾國際佛學院,由尊貴的昆桑卻佩堪布以英語教授 “七支供養”,其線上直播現已在法會網—西藏寺院服務 對法會網贊助會員開放註冊。註冊以及觀看線上直播將於2020年11月16日截止。在註冊時您也將有機會選擇贊助位於加德滿都的尼泊爾國際佛學院。 法會網的贊助會員也可以轉發與此教學相關的問題,由昆桑卻佩堪布選中的問題將在下期的教學結束時回答。法會網贊助會員請在10月21日前透過電郵提交與此教學相關的問題,電郵地址:liaison[at]填寫時請以@代替[at]),並將郵件標題定為“作禮拜與上師相應法問答” . 線上直播: 尊貴的昆桑卻佩堪布在這堂課將會逐步教授“七支供養”。傳統上“七支供養”是在聽聞或學習佛法之前,以及在進行任何冥想練習之前的前行,目的是使意識處於適當的狀態並積累功德以及淨化負面因素。七支是指:頂禮、供養、懺悔、隨喜、請轉法輪、請佛住世與迴向。 尊貴的昆桑卻佩堪布是尼泊爾國際佛學院的資深教師,以其對重要主題清晰易懂的介紹教學而受到廣泛讚賞。 每日教學的線上直播將於現場錄製並於10月17日稍晚上傳(尼泊爾時間)。 影音檔將會留在線上直到2020年11月16日,您可以選擇在那之前的任何時間上網收看。 註冊請至法會網—西藏寺院服務 ,登入您的法會網贊助會員帳戶並點選 Special Events/ See details of all events and webcasts(特別活動/查看全部活動與線上直播詳情),然後從日期排序或寺院/尼寺院列表中點選 International Buddhist Academy(尼泊爾國際佛學院)。如果您還未成為法會網的贊助會員,我們誠摯地邀請您加入,詳情請至法會網—西藏寺院服務。 我們誠摯地邀請合作寺院與尼寺院的出家眾以免費會員身份登錄收看線上直播。

Khenpo Dr Ngawang Jorden’s teachings available to view

We are pleased to announce that all eight sessions of the teaching by the Venerable Khenpo Dr Ngawang Jorden, Principal of the International Buddhist Academy, Kathmandu, Nepal on ‘The Fifth Chapter of the Bodhicharyavatara: Mindfulness and Alertness’ are now available to view. The course is in English with Chinese translation. Registration for the webcast of[…]

Khenpo Kunsang webcast on ‘Green Tara’ – October 10

Special Webcast Announcement with Q&A Session: We are pleased to announce the webcast of a teaching by the International Buddhist Academy’s Venerable Khenpo Kunsang Choephel on ‘Green Tara Meditation’ at Kathmandu, Nepal on October 10th, 2020. The teaching will be given in English. Registration for the webcast of this event is now open to Gompa[…]

Khenpo Kunsang webcast 26 and 27 Sept – Practice of Prostration and Guru Yoga

Special Webcast Announcement with follow up Q&A: We are pleased to announce the webcast of a two-day teaching by the International Buddhist Academy’s Venerable Khenpo Kunsang Choephel on the ‘Practice of Prostration and Guru Yoga’ at Kathmandu, Nepal on September 26th and 27th, 2020.  The teaching will be given in English. Registration for the webcast[…]